Thank You Spring 2024 Interns!

As the semester closes and finals have ended for our students, so too has our Spring 2024 internship semester. We are so sad to say goodbye to Lilly Elena Esperanza Ramirez and Woods Nystedt, who have been an amazing help this semester with our wildlife camera database! Thank you both! They both have some great things coming next for them, and we hope they stay in touch.

For their special projects, Woods completed an analysis of our I-10 East camera data, which you can explore here. Lilly helped us design bilingual narratives for educational signage about the wildlife crossings on Oracle Rd, a project funded by the Santa Cruz Valley Heritage Area. Explore their accomplishments more here.

We will not be posting the Fall 2024 internship. We have selected someone from our previous pool of applicants for the Fall semester (welcome Aster Schaefer!). Please check back here starting in October to apply for Spring 2025!

Lilly Elena Esperanza Ramirez
(Spring 2024)

Lilly wrote the narratives for new interpretive signage at the Oracle Road wildlife crossings.

Woods Nystedt
(Spring 2024)

Woods analyzed data from our I-10 East wildlife monitoring study. See the results here.