Author Archive

Team Coonhound Finishes the 508 — Bruce’s Summary

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Like a stick of butter left out in the summer heat of 2005, Team Coonhound re-coagulated with the cooler weather of early October to participate in its first two-wheeled event, the Furnace Creek 508. The 508 is a bicycle ride of 508 miles that begins in Santa Clarita, California, travels NNE through the towns of Mojave, California City and Trona to Stove Pipe Wells in Death Valley, then turns SSE through Furnace Creek, Badwater Basin, Baker, and the Mojave National Preserve, to end at Twenty Nine Palms….

Team Coonhound Finishes the 508 — A Message From Sergio

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Dear friends, The adventure is over, the race is past now and all the training, riding, planning and thinking is gone; but the happiness, the sense of achievement and the pain in the… legs, remain and grow with every one of your kind messages of support and shared satisfaction. I am personally very happy with the results of the race, but more than that with the group of friends I spent the weekend with and the work that we all did together to achieve this. There will never be enough "thank you" for each one of you: Bruce, Sean and Cory — and back in town: Kevin, Carolyn, Jenny and all of you who donated in honor of Team Coonhound or followed the race with interest.

Local Media Coverage Links

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Read about the Coalition and the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan from articles in local newspapers.

Friends of the Desert #30

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In This Issue: Carnivores & Highways, the 508, Critical Wildlife Connections, CFPO Hearing, Open Space Acquisitions, Conservation in Marana?, CSDP in Defenders Magazine.

Friends of the Desert #29

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In This Issue: Action Alert: Protect the Pygmy Owl, Action Alert: Support Wildlife Crossings, The 508 (A Race for the Coalition), Hats Are In.

Friends of the Desert #28

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In this Issue:  SDCP Update; Slogan Winner; May Celebration; Outreach Activities; Hats Available! 

Pima wins eco-acclaim

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Pima County is recognized in "Nature-Friendly Communities" as one of 19 places in the country that actively works to protect local landscapes, natural resources and wildlife.