Author Archive

Friends of the Desert #21

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #21 October 2, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: Join Us!! Rally to Save the Pygmy-Owl: Wednesday, October 8th, Please Help the Coalition with a Financial Gift!, Scoping Meeting for MSCP, SDCP Update, IFNM Planning Process, Open Space Bond Update, STL Reform.

Friends of the Desert #20

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #20 July 31, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: Coalition Forum on the SDCP POSTPONED UNTIL OCTOBER, Coalition Forum, August 28th, The IFNM protecting with citizen participation, Open Space Bond Update, STL Reform.

Friends of the Desert #19

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #19 June 6, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: ACTION ALERT: Board of Supervisors meeting to vote on Open Space Bond election, June 17th!!, SDCP Steering Committee Update, STL NW, Coalition Forum

Friends of the Desert #18

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #18 April 16, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: SDCP Steering Committee Update and Upcoming Meetings, Science Technical Advisory Team Meeting, 2003 Open Space Bond Grassroots Campaign, Sonoran Desert Day of Action, Volunteers needed for Ironwood Festival.

Friends of the Desert #17

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #17 February 21, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: Pygmy-owl Recovery Plan, Comment Deadline Extended on Proposed Critical Habitat Designation, SDCP Steering Committee Update, How You Can Help.

Friends of the Desert #16

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #16 January 7, 2003. IN THIS ISSUE: 2nd West Branch Clean-up Day, Public Meeting on Proposed Pygmy-Owl Critical Habitat, SDCP Update, Open Space Bond Update, Fundraising News.

Friends of the Desert #15

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #15 December 3, 2002. IN THIS ISSUE: Federal Critical Habitat Designation Released for Public Comment, SDCP Steering Committee Update and Upcoming Meetings, Gearing Up for a County Open Space Bond, Fundraising News, TAS/Defenders of Wildlife Presentation and Book Signing, Book Signing Benefit for Coalition,…

Friends of the Desert #14

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #14 September 18, 2002. IN THIS ISSUE: New Coalition Reports, Coalition Forum, September 21!!, Book Signing Benefit for Coalition, September 25, Ironwood Comments Needed, SDCP Update.

Friends of the Desert #13

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #13 May 24, 2002. IN THIS ISSUE: Important Marana Planning and Zoning Meeting May 29, New Development Proposed at Base of Tortolitas, SDCP Update, Tanque Verde Creek Public Hearing, Agua Caliente Restoration, CSDP Sponsoring Economic Forum.

Friends of the Desert #12

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Friends of the Desert E-News Issue #12 March 29, 2002. IN THIS ISSUE: *URGENT! — Ask your Representatives to Oppose HB2638, CSDP Recreation Forum and Road Design Forum successes!, Next Steering Committee, County SDCP Open House Series, Thanks to Raul Grijalva.