Author Archive

Friends of the Desert #34

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In this Issue: 04′ Open Space Update; Monitoring Grant; Rosemont Update; Friends of Ironwood Forest Update; NLCS Best Hikes Contest. 

Enter the NLCS Hike Contest

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Want to discover great hikes and a chance to win gear? Enter the National Landscape Conservation System Hikes ContestThe National Landscape Conservation System is the West’s best-kept secret. It holds the hidden treasures of the American West…

Help the IFNM

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Help Protect the Ironwood Forest National Monument!

Pygmy Owl Petition Filed

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Petition Filed to Protect Pygmy Owl Again As Endangered Species.  Protection Sought for Sonoran Desert Population in Arizona and Mexico….

$40K Pledged as a Challenge Grant!!!

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The Coalition’s largest individual supporter offered to double his giving this Fall — he then successfully challenged the Coalition’s other largest donors to double their gifts as well!  In total, our major supporters have now pledged $40,000 as a matching challenge grant.  By contributing to this campaign, you can help us raise $80,000 for Sonoran Desert Protection…..

Urging Pima County to buy, protect open lands

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…..the Board of Supervisors has a unique opportunity to show its commitment to implementation of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan – and to the county’s Science Technical Advisory Team, wildlife biologists, the conservation community and Pima County voters – with the acquisition of more than 33 acres – from willing sellers – in this remarkable part of Pima County……

Proposition 207 UPDATE

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Unfortunately, Proposition 207 was approved by the Voters of Arizona……Pima weighs zoning freeze over new law

Friends of the Desert #33

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In this Issue: NO on PROP 207, 4th MSCP released, Friends of the Ironwood Forest, Badwater Update.

Friends of Ironwood Forest

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The Coalition and Sierra Club are organizing a Friends of Ironwood Forest National Monument to help protect this southwest treasure.  Read more on how to get involved.

County releases 4th Draft of the MSCP

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Pima County has released the forth draft the Mutli-Species Conservation Plan. This document, which is a part of the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan, will further define how we will accomplish conservation in Pima County for the next 50 years. Stay tuned for further action. You can view the  entire county plan at or a 5 page PDF Introduction HERE.