Author Archive

Badwater Update & Pictures

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Success!!!  Bruce Gungle finished the 135 mile race which starts in Death Valley.  His finish time was 41:26:23, beating his time in 2004 by 1:22:35.  Check out the highlights and pictures from the race and stay tuned for an update from Bruce.

A lesson to learn

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A lesson to learn: The disappearance of bighorns from Pusch Ridge holds lessons for those trying to protect the region’s last native herd By Ty Bowers, July 5, 2006 –

Friends of the Desert #32

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In This Issue: Death Valley Fundraiser, Action: Protect Roadless Areas, Two Coalition Supporters Appreciated, Wildlife Crossing Funds, Save the Santa Ritas.

Death Valley Ultramarathon Run is Fundraiser for Coalition!

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Long time Coalition supporter Bruce Gungle is once again sacrificing body and mind to raise funds for the Coalition. And you can join him!   From July 24-26, Bruce will be competing in "the world’s toughest foot race," the Badwater 135 Ultramarathon…

River Revival

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Some 90 percent of Arizona’s riparian areas have been lost–but the county has plans for a comeback