
Tiny owl will stay delisted at least until hearing in June

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TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — A judge has declined environmentalists’ requests to put a temporary hold on the federal government’s decision to remove the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl from the endangered-species list…

Enviros ready to sue over pygmy owl action

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Arizona Daily Star Tucson, A coalition of environmental groups says it will sue the federal government to restore the pygmy owl’s endangered status unless the government decides within a week to do that on its own.

Groups Challenge Decision to Drop Protection for Few Remaining Pygmy-owls

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Tucson, AZ –Defenders of Wildlife, the Center for Biological Diversity, and the Arizona Audubon Council, representing all eight Audubon chapters in the state, today filed an official notice of intent to sue the US Fish and Wildlife Service over its decision to remove the cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl…

Pygmy owl’s delisting has little effect on Marana

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week announced its intentions to remove the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl from the federal Endangered Species Act.  The owl no longer will have protection under that act, effective May 15. It will still have protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prohibits killing the owls and possessing their feathers or eggs….

Pygmy owl may lose endangered label

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The federal government plans to remove the cactus ferruginous pygmy owl from the endangered species list next month, but one local conservation group has vowed to fight the move.

Corridor Controversy

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Marana housing development raises concerns over I-10 wildlife corridor, conservation