The Bar v Ranch totals over 1700 acres of private land and has an associated 12,600 acres of leased state trust land. It is located southeast of Vail, east of Sonoita Highway, and lies predominantly south of I-10. The acquisition of this property has preserved a major wildlife corridor, with two of the northernmost private parcels in the Bar V/Davidson Canyon connecting with the Pima County Cienega Creek Natural Preserve via an I-10 underpass. The area contains perennial waters and is now protected from development that is approaching from the southeastern Tucson metro area.
This area is mainly Biological Core and has potential habitat for at least 34 of the 55 priority vulnerable species targeted for conservation in the Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan (SDCP) including the lowland leopard frog, Bell’s vireo, Swainson’s hawk, Abert’s towhee, lesser long-nosed bat, pale Townsends’ big-eared bat, and needle-spined cactus – have Priority Conservation 1 areas here. Special elements present include Interior Southwest Riparian Forest and Mesquite.
A portion of Davidson Canyon is located here and the Ranch is adjacent to the Cienega Creek Natural Preserve.In 2008, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality designated Davidson Canyon as a Unique Water.
Date Acquired: February 17, 2005
Cost: $8,189,228
Cost Per Acre: $4,927
Acres: 14,437 (1,763 fee and 12,674 state grazing leases)
Type: Fee and grazing lease
Bond Category: Habitat Protection Priority
Additional Reports: Bar V Ranch Acquisition Report, Davidson Canyon Outstanding Waters